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Learn About Diamonds at La Mine dOr Moncton, NB & Halifax, NS Learn About Diamonds at La Mine dOr Moncton, NB & Halifax, NS



Directly From The Source

At La Mine d'Or, we go above and beyond the industry standards to offer diamonds selected for their ethical and environmentally responsible origins.

Every loose diamond on La Mine d'Or is conflict-free and certified by the top grading laboratories. All diamonds are purchased directly from the World's leading diamond manufacturers.


Forevermark Diamonds

At the heart of every Forevermark diamond lies a unique inscription, a symbol of an enduring commitment to integrity. Forevermark diamonds are carefully tracked throughout the mining, sorting, cutting and polishing process to ensure that each diamond is natural, untreated and conflict free.

Forevermark select  diamonds from a small number of carefully selected mines, and all our partners must adhere to strict business, social and enviromental standards.


What is a Diamond Shape?

Diamond shape come in many forms, rounds being the most popular. The physical form of the diamond, the centerpiece of each creation, is what many couples consider to be the most important aspect of their decision. Each shape is unique in its sparkling presence, be it a “fancy”, such as oval, cushion cut, Ascher, marquise, pear, emerald, radiant, princess or the symbolic heart-shaped.

La Mine d’Or takes great pride into considering your unique individual style to create the most spectacular shape that represents your devotion and commitment to each other, to bear witness to the love it signifies.


What Is Diamond Cut?

The diamond cut, under the scrutiny of professional cutters, is the guide to the perfect match of symmetry, proportion and polish of the finished diamond, not its shape. Ideal is the benchmark used to create the most luminous, brilliant reflection of a diamond’s inner beauty. When light travels through a properly cut diamond, it bends and refracts, exposing its brilliance and the exceptional skills of the cutter. The understanding of how light reacts in a properly cut diamond has established a specific set of proportions and angles to take advantage of its optical performance. 

What Is Diamond Color?

Important as color is, a diamond with a higher color grade, i.e., one with less color, will present exceptional, colorful flashes. This is referred to as dispersion or “fire” or the brilliance of the light as it passes through a prism by dividing light into the colors of the spectrum. 

Diamonds, when forming under the Earth’s crust, will mix with other elements, usually the presence of trace amounts of nitrogen, to exhibit tones of yellow, grey or brown. A colored diamond will act as a filter, emitting less light, therefore, diamonds with a reduced amount of color are the rarest, of the highest value; the most sought after.

What Is Diamond Clarity?

Diamond clarity is a measure of the extent of natural inclusions trapped within during its creation under extreme heat and pressure. The purity or rarity of the stone is determined by gemologists using 10x magnification to study its internal and external characteristics. When assigned a clarity grade, diamonds with no or few inclusions are deemed rare and highly values.

What is Diamond Carat?

Simply put, carat refers to the weight of the diamond. This is an exclusive unit of measurement for diamonds and gems, not to be confused with the size. The word carat is derived from the carob seed, the original unit of weight used by diamond traders. By today’s standards, a carat is 0.2 grams, a comparative example is the weight of a paper clip.

Total carat weight (t.c.w) represents the weight summation of all diamonds or gems used in a piece of jewellery.

Why La Mine d'Or Diamonds?

The philosophy behind every diamond La Mine d’Or purchases is that it will meet all the exacting standards of today’s discriminating buyer. Only from the most ethical sources, the most desirable, the most colorful of diamonds are good enough for our selection.

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Best Trusted Jewelry Store in Atlantic Canada. La Mine dOr Moncton, NB & Halifax, NS Best Trusted Jewelry Store in Atlantic Canada. La Mine dOr Moncton, NB & Halifax, NS


La Mine d'Or offers a full range of natural diamonds. Please contact our store for more information.


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